- 13. November 2024, Prof. Dr. Alain Zemkoho, University of Southampton, UK, The bilevel optimization renaissance through machine learning: Lessons and challenges
- 12. November 2024, Prof. Dr. Tanka Nath Dhamala, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Congestion Minimization under Budget Constraints and Speed Variation
- 7. Oktober 2024, Assistant Prof. Majid Forghani Elahabad, Federal University of ABC, Brasilien, Exact Methods for Reliability Evaluation of Multistate Flow Networks
- 8. Juli 2024, Sara Shashaani, North Carolina State University, USA, Simulation Optimization in Continuous and Discrete Decision Spaces
- 14. März 2024, Prof. Dr. Grazia Speranza, University of Brescia, Italien, Optimization in transportation and logistics: yesterday, today, tomorrow
- 12. Dezember 2023, Prof. Dr. Stefan Ruzika, RPTU Kaiserslautern, Approximationsverfahren für multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme
- 30. November 2023, Prof. Dr. Mathias Staudigl, Universität Mannheim, Regularization and Variance Reduction in Stochastic Hierarchical Games
- 9. November 2023, Alberto Guastalla, Università di Torino, Italien, TOP-ST-MIN: dealing with uncertainties
- 5. Juli 2023, Thomas Byrne, PhD, University of Strathclyde, Schottland Getting Over It: exact facility location algorithms in the presence of barriers
- 15. Juni 2023, Prof. Dr. Tanka Nath Dhamala, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Overview of the Results on Emergency Planning Strategies
- 4. Mai 2023, Prof. Jan Fabian Ehmke, Universität Wien, Österreich Predicting Pareto Fronts for Smart Sampling of Multimodal Itineraries
- 23. Februar 2023
Prof. Roberto Aringhieri, Università di Torino, Italien OR4OSGEO (Operations Research for Open GIS) - 9. Februar 2023
Prof. Dr. Tim Hoheisel, McGill-University, Montreal, Kanada The Maximum Entropy on the Mean Method for Linear Inverse Problems (and Beyond) - 19. Januar 2023
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Roman Słowiński, Poznań University of Technology, and Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Preference Learning by Robust Ordinal Regression for Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding - 1. Dezember 2022
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Eichfelder, TU Ilmenau Ingredients for algorithms in multiobjective optimization - 11. Februar 2022 (via Zoom)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Kuhn, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland Optimization in the Face of Uncertainty - 14. Januar 2020
Dr. Simone Göttlich, Universität Mannheim A dual tailored branch-and-bound algorithm for quadratic mixed-integer problems with application to production networks - 18. November 2019
Dr. Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm The Long-Term Impact of Market Power in Generation Sector on Electricity Demand Investment - 22. Juli 2019
Prof. Panos Pardalos, University of Florida On the Limits of Computation in Non-convex Optimization - 19. Juni 2019
Prof. Jochen Albrecht, City University New York OR4OSGEO (Operations Research for Open GIS) - 11. Juni 2019
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Eichfelder, TU Ilmenau A Trust-Region Method for Multiobjective Optimization with Heterogeneous Functions - 6. Juni 2019
Dr. Sebastian Fuchs, Technische Universität Dortmund Dissimilarity functions for copula-based hierarchical clustering of continuous variables - 8. November 2018
Prof. Dr. Francisco Facchinei, Universität La Sapienza Rom Asynchronous Minimization Algorithms - 24. Oktober 2018
Prof. Yun Fong LIM, Singapore Management University (SMU) Inventory Management Based on Target-Oriented Robust Optimization - 2. Oktober 2018
Prof. Dr. Alexander Zaslavski, Technion, Haifa Numerical optimization with computational errors - 2. Oktober 2018
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman von der TU Chemnitz zum Thema Dual subgradient method with averaging for optimal resource allocation (ausgefallen) - 10. September 2018
Peter T. Vanberkel, Dalhousie University, Canada Applications of Operations Research for Coping with Ambulance Offload Delays - 17. Juli 2018
Dr. Simone Sagratella, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Numerically tractable optimistic bilevel problems
17. Juli 2018
Dr. Lorenzo Lampariello, Roma Tre University, Italy A dominance maximization approach to multi objective optimization - 22. Juni 2018
Prof. Daniele Vigo, DEI University of Bologna, Italy Fast Local Search in Vehicle Routing - 7. Juni 2018
Prof. Yasel José Costa Salas, FH Oberösterreich A Hilly City Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problems - 17. Mai 2018
Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. Niko A. Iliadis Valuation of a pumped-storage hydro-plant in a multiple markets framework: a Swiss Case Study - 18. April 2018
M. Sc. Julia Niebling, TU Ilmenau A New Discarding Test for a Branch-and-Bound based Algorithm for Nonconvex Multiobjective Optimization - 16. April 2018
Dr. Klaus Herrmann, Waterloo University Multivariate Geometric Expectiles - 29. Januar 2018
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hobæk Haff, Universität Oslo Structure learning in Bayesian Networks using regular vines - 11. Januar 2018
Eduardo Alvarez-Miranda, Associated Professor at Universidad de Talca, Chile Networks, Uncertainty, Applications and a Crusade for Optimality - 14. Dezember 2017
Dr. Timo Gschwind, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univeristät Mainz Effective Handling of Ride-Time Constraints in Solution Approaches to the Dial-a-Ride Problem - 30. November 2017
Lisa Maillart, University of Pittsburgh Optimal Pooling, Batching and Pasteurizing of Donor Human Milk - 21. September 2017
Prof. Martin Pitt, Director of PenCHORD, Exeter University Medical School Change by Design - Harnessing the Potential of Operational Research in Health and Care - 29. Juni 2017
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Schneider, Deutsche Post Lehrstuhl für Optimierung von Distributionsnetzwerken, RWTH Aachen Routing Electric Vehicles: Problem Variants, Methods, and Future Challenges - 22. Juni 2017
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schön, Universität Mannheim Competitive Service Network Design when Demand is Sensitive to Congestion - 30. März 2017
Prof. Dr. Sven Müller, Hochschule Karlsruhe Revenue Maximizing Tariff Zone Planning for Public Transport Organizations - 16. Februar 2017
Prof. Erwin Hans, University of Twente Towards an ecosystem of Healthcare OR/OM education, research and impact - 2. Februar 2017
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Eichfelder, TU Ilmenau αBB Method for Multiobjective and Set Optimization - 19. Dezember 2016
Derya Demirtas, University of Twente Public defibrillator location optimization with supply and demand uncertainty - 9. November 2016
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Klamroth, Bergische Universität Wuppertal Multiple Objective Conterparts: Trading-Off between Optimization Criteria and Constraints - 7. November 2016
Prof. Dr. Felix Müsgens, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Intermittent Electricity Generation and Equilibrium Prices - 29. September 2016
Fabian Rigterink, M.Sc., University of Newcastle Pooling Problems: Advances in Theory and Applications - 27. Juni 2016
Prof. Dr. Roman Liesenfeld, Universität zu Köln Likelihood based inference and prediction in spatio-temporal panel count models for urban crimes - 16. Juni 2016
Maartje van de Vrugt, University of Twente/Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis Dual topic talk: literature review on online appointment scheduling and assigning treatment rooms and physicians at the Emergency department - 21. April 2016
Prof. Dr. Asen Dontchev, University of Michigan, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Regularity and conditioning of variational problems - 25. Februar 2016
Sönke Behrends, Universität Göttingen The Generation of Nonlinear Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Optimization of Polynomials - 11. Februar 2016
Prof. Dr. Russell Luke, Universität Göttingen Error bounds and quantifiable convergence of proximal methodes for nonsmooth/(non)convex optimization - 10. Dezember 2015
Frau Sibel Alumur Alev, University of Waterloo The Design of Capacitated Intermodal Hub Networks with Different Vehicle Types - 26. November 2015
Prof. Dr. Asvin Goel, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Hours of Service Regulations - 19. November 2015
Andrea Raith, University of Auckland Biobjective Traffic Assignment Models - 26. Juni 2015
Prof. James V. Burke, University of Washington, Seattle, USA Kalman Filtering from an Optimization Perspective
Dr. Tim Hoheisel, Universität Würzburg A new class of matrix support functionals with applications - 25. Juni 2015
Frau Dr. Seda Yanik Uğurlu, Istanbul Technical University/Turkey Districting of Family Doctor's Practices - 16. April 2015
Dr. Axel Dreves, Universität der Bundeswehr München Finding all or selecting specific generalized Nash equilibria - 24. März 2015
Bernhard Fortz, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgien Models for Trafic Engineering in Ethernet Networks Implementing the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol - 26. Februar 2015
Frau Bolor Jargalsaikhan, M. Sc., Universität Groningen Genericity and stability in linear conic programming - 22. Januar 2015
Prof. Dr. Markus Schweighofer, Universität Konstanz Polynominale Optimierung mittels semidefiniter Programmierung - 6. November 2014
Maria Albareda Sambola, Dep. d'Estadstica i Investigaci Operativa, UPC-ETSEIAT (TR5) The p-Next Center Problem: Discrete location with backups - 15. Mai 2014
Prof. Dr. Simone Göttlich, Universität Mannheim Netzwerkmodelle und deren Anwendungen - 13. Februar 2014
Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgien Algorithmic models of market equilibrium - 9. Januar 2014
Dr. Tim Hoheisel, Universität Würzburg Epi-Glättungen mit Anwendungen für konvex-verknüpfte Funktionen - 7. November 2013
Prof. Guiseppe Bruno, Universität Neapel, Italien Equality Measures in Discrete Location Models - 4. Juli 2013
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Theobald, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main Polyeder, Spektraeder und die Frage der Inklusion - 6. Juni 2013
Prof. Dr. Diethard Klatte, Universität Zürich Zur metrischen Regularität von Karush-Kuhn-Tucker-Systemen in der nichtglatten Optimierung - 7. Februar 2013
Thomas Lidbetter, MSc, London School of Economics Searching for multiple hidden objects - 31. Januar 2013
Prof. Dr. Georg Still, Universität Twente Linear cone programs: Structure and generic properties - 22. Januar 2013
Prof. Paul Harper und Dr. Vincent Knight, Operational Research Group, School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, UK
Modelling Demand and Deployment of Emergency Medical Services - 13. Dezember 2012
Tim Schulze, MSc, Universität Edinburgh Solving Stochastic Unit Commitment by Column Generation - 15. November 2012
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ioffe, Technion Haifa Variational Analysis: Regularity and Stability - 25. Oktober 2012
Dr. Ir. Maartje Zonderland, Universität Twente Variations in the patient care process at the emergency department: development and implications of an observational instrument - 4. Oktober 2012
Dominik Dorsch, RWTH Aachen Zur schnellen lokalen Suche von stabilen S-stationären Punkten bei MPCCs - 12. Juli 2012
Vadim Kartak Conservative scales in packing problems - 24. Mai 2012
Prof. Dr. Josef Kallrath, BASF SE Ludwigshafen Modeling and Solving Real World Optimization Problems - Are Educational, Scientific and Industrial Needs Compatible? - 1. Dezember 2011
Dr. Gabriele Eichfelder, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Vektoroptimierung und deren Anwendung in der Medizintechnik - 3. November 2011
Prof. Dr. Asen L. Dontchev, University of Michigan, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Metric Regularity, Estimates, and Convergence of Algorithms - 5. August 2011
Prof. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Middle East Technical University, Ankara The New Robust Conic GPLM Method with an Application to Finance and Regulatory Systems: Prediction of Credit Default and a Process Version - 21. April 2011
Dr. Pradyumn Shukla, AIFB, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Levenberg-Marquardt Techniques for Optimization and Complementarity Problems - 24. März 2011
Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, RWTH Aachen Bilevel Optimization: on the Structure of the Feasible Set - 20. Januar 2011
Dr. Radu Ioan Bot, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Über die Rolle der Qualifikationsbedingungen bei der Herleitung
von dualen Darstellungen für konvexe Risikomaße - 25. November 2010
Prof. Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Chía, Facultad de Ciencias, Puerto Real (Cádiz)
und Prof. Justo Puerto, Facultad de Matematicas. Universidad de Sevilla Location, order and discrete optimization - 5. Oktober 2010
Gilbert Laporte, HEC Montreal, Canada Fifty Years of Vehicle Routing - 1. Juli 2010
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer, TU Dresden Newton-Methoden für verallgemeinerte Nash-Equilibrium-Probleme - 12. Mai 2010
Dr. Ralf Werner, Hypo Real Estate Group / Deutsche Pfandbriefbank Theoretische und numerische Resultate aus der robusten Portfoliooptimierung - 29. April 2010
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Achtziger, TU Dortmund Optimierungsprobleme mit verschwindenden Nebenbedingungen - 15. April 2010
Prof. Dmitry Krass, University of Toronto, Canada Optimal Location Patterns for When Facilities are Prone to Failure - 21. Januar 2010
Dr. Ralf Werner, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG Modellfreie Bewertung von Kontrahentenausfallrisiken - 15. Dezember 2009
Prof. Erwin Hans, University of Twente OR in the OR (operations research in the operating room) - 10. Dezember 2009
Prof. Christian Kanzow, Universität Würzburg Verallgemeinerte Nash-Gleichgewichtsprobleme - 23. Juli 2009
Prof. Boris Mordhukhovich, Wayne State University New trends and applications of variational analysis - 18. Juni 2009
Prof. Elena Fernández, UPC Barcelona The Tree of Hubs location Problem: formulations and solution algorithms - 14. April 2009
Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, Uni Lissabon Project Scheduling with Flexible Resources: Formulation and Inequalities